Monthly Archives: March 2015

Spring Cleaning

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Spring Cleaning:  when you clean your house and get rid of anything you DON’T need and you find out what you DO need to improve the look of your home. According to “Spring Cleaning” dates back to the “Iranian Norouz, the Persian new year”  which falls on the first day of Spring.  March is the… Read more »

St. Patrick’s Day Green

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St. Patrick’s Day Green.  The color green has been worn on St. Patrick’s Day since 1680’s.  Green was the color of the Irish fraternity, Friendly Brothers of St. Patrick in the 1750’s, according to  The color green is also a nice color for an accent wall in your home or office.  The color green… Read more »

Best Time to Paint

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The Best time of the year to Paint the Exterior of your home is now!  According to the best time to paint the exterior of your home is when there is: -ideal conditions -not too hot, not too cold -season for painting -no moisture in the air Right now in Las Vegas we are… Read more »

Drywall Repairs

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Rainy weather in Las Vegas.  All weekend it rained in the Las Vegas and Henderson Area.  If you experienced some drywall damage call our office and we can remove and replace and paint your drywall damage from the rain.